Short:        The Amiga Monitor: September 1996 (1_2) HTML
Uploader:     103165 3700 compuserve com (Michael Webb)
Type:         mags/misc
Architecture: generic

This is the September 1996 (Volume 1 Issue 2) issue of The Amiga Monitor, a monthly online Amiga 
magazine, in HTML format.

     Contributors include:
- Michael Webb, Samuel Ormes, Anthony Becker, Fred Ericksen, Greg Noggle, and Danny Green

     Articles include:
- The Sam Report, and the continuation of the Charter Message and Introduction
- Using Lynx, The Time Capsule - Part 1, Music/MIDI, and an investigation of AmigaDOS
- The Plextor 6-PleX CD-ROM Drive
- The Amiga Gaming Retrospective - Part 2: MarbleMadness! and Almagica
- Feedback and Editors@HelpDesk

The Amiga Monitor is available in HTML and AmigaGuide formats.

The home site of The Amiga Monitor is The Webb Site, where all formats are available, and new 
issues become available the soonest.

Published in 1996 by Excelsior Digital Publishing.