Short:        Amiga Network News, September 1997 (HTML)
Uploader:     ckemp vo lu
Type:         mags/misc
Architecture: generic
Kurz:         Amiga Network News, September 1997 (HTML)

This is the Aminet edition of September 1997's Amiga Network News, a "very
cool Usenet summary area that gives you a reliable synopsis of the most
important Usenet events, including links to those involved".

With this "offline" edition, I hope to provide unconnected people with the
same informations, as well as offering online people a way to download one
month's news in a single archive.

This offline version contains exactly the same informations as the
respective month on the Luxembourgish main site.

If you are connected, don't forget to check Amiga Network News:
Always up-to-date at