Short:        CD player interface for SCSI-2 CD-ROM's
Uploader:     wuerkner informatik tu-muenchen de
Type:         disk/cdrom
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

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                    |_||_| |_|\____|____/|_|     |_(_)_____|

                             Yet Another CD Player

                            © 1994 by Frank Würkner
                              All Rights Reserved

o OS2.0 (OS2.1 for using localization) or higher
o reqtools.library © 1991-1994 by Nico François (thanks Nico!)
o a SCSI bus adapter capable of sending SCSI direct commands
o a SCSI-2 CD-ROM which can read CD-DA ("Red Book") encoded discs
  (i.e. you should see a headphone jack on the front panel)
o optionally your CD-ROM should be capable of sending the audio as
  16-bit digital data over the SCSI bus

o GUI that let's you access all functions of a normal CD-Player
o is a Commodity
o powerfull AREXX port
o localized for 2.1 and up (currently German)
o can display songnames and CD title, of course you once have to
  enter the names (about 150 CD texts are already included)
o doesn't wastes memory
o SCSI errors are displayed as text (95 known)
o realtime stereo playback of audio on your Amiga, even on 68000       (*)
  machines (achieved by highly optimised assembler routines)
o ability to save (parts of) songs as stereo IFF (8SVX) or RAW (CDR)   (*)

(*) CD-ROM must be able to send audio over SCSI bus (see SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS)

        o YACDP is now (uncrippled!) Shareware
        o `via SCSI' playback is now stereo
        o saveing stereo IFF's is now also possible
        o added AREXX-port and menu for AREXX macros
        o added some things well known from CD players (shuffle/program
          mode, repeat track, repeat all)
        o added balance slider
        o volume slider now has his maximum at top
        o localized for 2.1 and up (currently German)
        o new look menus and standard wait pointer for 3.0 and up
        o beautified buttons
        o documentation now in AmigaGuide®
        o better support for NEC CD-ROM's
        o when using `via SCSI' the scsi_Length was set too large fixed
          (memory was trashed with some scsi devices)
        o fixed problem with some older versions of gvpscsi.device that
          returned IOERR_BADLENGTH when using odd buffer length
        o didn't support multi-menu-select fixed
        o the AUTOSTART feature didn't work in conjunction with
        o window looked ugly for titlefonts with a height greater 8
        o songnaming has changed (old still accepted) and the songfiles
          moved into one big hashfile
        o changes in the songfile are now displayed immediate (file
        o the programm TestCDROM is now integrated into YACDP (tooltype
        o the tooltype NOVIASCSI has vanished, use VIASCSIMODE=0 instead
        o some new tooltypes and new keyboard shortcuts (check them!)