Short:        Contents of the first GAME BOX (Spielkiste)-CD
Author:       (Spielkiste)
Uploader:     39:170/302 amiganet (Volker v  Thienen)
Type:         disk/cdrom
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

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Some important information

The first GAME BOX (Spielkiste)-CD will be released in the first days
of November.

Contents: SK 1-500 (more than 900 games)
          including all "Kid's Fun"-Discs)
          SK-Extra (some, but not all editions)
	  Highlights of application (PD/Shareware-) software
          Some big animations
All discs are packed with DMS. Additionally, a series of games
can be started from workbench.

The recommended price is 49,- DM.

The CD will be offered by all important dealers of CDs for Amiga.