Short:        ARexx scripts to pass mailto: links from IBrowse to YAM or SimpleMail
Author:       Alexander Niven-Jenkins <>
Uploader:     Alexander Niven-Jenkins <anj cremlinsoftware org>
Type:         comm/www
Requires:     IBrowse 1.2+, YAM 2.x or SimpleMail
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Why were they written?
Plenty of these browser to email client arexx scripts popped up pretty soon
after the release of the various browsers/email clients, however they tended
to support multiple browsers and as such did not take advantage of all the
features offered by a specific browser.

I decided to write my own "clean" script that concentrated on IBrowse.

Fully supports all mailto: link options offered by IBrowse including the new
"&body=" element support introduced with IBrowse 2.3:
mailto:xxxxx <>
mailto:xxxxx <>?subject=xxxxx
mailto:xxxxx <>?subject=xxxxx&body=xxxxx

And various combinations of the above:


Copy the relevant script to somewhere on your computer.

YAM - ib2yam.rexx
SimpleMail - ib2sm.rexx

See the scripts header for setting up IBrowse.

Not a bug with the script per se, but I have recieved reports about this.

If a link appears to have a "subject" element but no subject appears in the
resultant mail or it is attached to the end of the email address this is not
a bug with the script.  The script is sent these values individually by
IBrowse after it has parsed the link.

However, do not go sending a report to the IBrowse authors either because it
is not a bug in IBrowse.  The webmaster of the page in question has coded the
link incorrectly, although it may well work with Internet Explorer it is
wrong, send a report to the webmaster.

Unfortuntely SimpleMail (upto 0.19, the release at time of writing) does not
provide an arexx command to set the message body of a new mail, therefore,
even though the script contains all of the supporting code needed to handle
the "&body=" element nothing is actually done with it.