Short:        HTMLPack - HTML code packer
Author: (Tomasz 'BloodMan' Tomkowiak)
Uploader:     amiga irc pl (Tomasz \\'BloodMan\\' Tomkowiak)
Type:         comm/www
Version:      1.4
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This program is a simply HTML packer

- Easy to use
- Fully automatic
- Easy to install ;)

Notes :
Programm written in AMOSPro v2.1
All (public released) my programs can be found on:

How to install? :
Just copy program to c: or everywhere you want

c:htmlpack <file.html>

?, -h, --h, -help, --help, [nooption/file] = info

This programm is for people who want to pack our webpage...
This tool removed all empty spaces, lines and writing ALL page in ONE line...
Simply and successfull idea for hide Your webpage and mini crypt...
Why? It's simply... many text editors CANNOT read line bigger than
65535 bytes :) If even... more work with RETURN-codes ;DDD

 WARNING !!!: File will be overwrited !!!

v1.4 - Fixed some bugs
v1.3 - Recompiled with gui.library (faaaast)
v1.2 - Aminet release
v1.1 - First public release
v1.0 - Private version...

Cannot process and pack JavaScript lines (yet!)
more? mail me :)