Short: Extensivly (!) checks HTML-code Author: Uploader: fema0012 FH-Karlsruhe de Type: comm/www Architecture: m68k-amigaos A tool any Web-site designer should use...It checks for wrong <>, Detects missing ",warns on international characters not understood by all browsers and checks entities like ©,detects obsolete commands like <! >, finds nested html-tags (<I><U>BLA</I></U>), knows about server-side scripting <% %> and and and.... I discovered that more than 45% of all Webpages have at least one error in it.To keep at least the amiga-sites bugfree,this program was written.YOU WILL BE SUPRISED,HOW MANY ERRORS THE SYNTAX CHECKER WILL FIND IN YOUR OWN HTML-CODE YOU COULD SWEAR IS BUGFREE! ____ __ _____ / \/ \/_ _/\.......mEmbEr 0f prImItIvE aRts....... /_/_/_/_/_/\/_/\\/ ....... \_\_\_\_\_\/\_\/ :.Insecure? Send eMail,Subject:PGP-KEY