Short:        WebPics 1.07 - Web Based Photo Gallery Generator
Author: (Roger Clark)
Uploader:     kaedric sbcglobal net (Roger Clark)
Type:         comm/www
Replaces:     comm/www/WebPics105.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  WebPics  is  a  simple  script designed to generate all required HTML files to
build  a  photo  gallery.   It  handles  multiple image formats, and handles all
resolution detection and calculations.

  Testing  has  been  done  to ensure that WebPics properly recognizes and reads
data  from JPG, GIF and PNG files.  Although it is written in ARexx, it is still
very   fast   at   creating   a   full   webpage   layout.    Tests  run  on  an
Amiga4000/060-50MHz  system  show  it  can  generate all pages for 100 photos of
mixed  type  and  sizes  with  associated thumbnail images, and four dynamically
scaled display sizes in under 10 seconds.

  All output files pass XHTML1.0 Validation Standards, and have been tested with
AWeb 3.4, Voyager 3.3.126, IBrowse 2.3, Mozilla 1.3+, and Internet Explorer 5.5+


o Any Amiga model with ARexx installed.
o rexxsupport.library
o A collection of JPG, GIF and/or PNG files.


  AmigaDOS  file  commments now display captions on the main index page, as well
as update the web browser's status line by using embeded Javascript commands.


  Filenames  that  contain  an  ampersand  ("&") character now have the filename
internally translated to use the HTML entity "&" for XHMTL1.0 compatibility.