Short:        New cool lookin' buttons for IBrowse.
Author: (Henrik Skoglund)
Uploader:     mooney mailbox calypso net (Henrik Skoglund)
Type:         comm/www
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

New, refreshed buttons for IBrowse. These buttons are
made very carefully by Henrik Skoglund using Amiga
programs such as Lightwave 5.0, ArtEffect 1.5 and
ADPro. They come in 2 sizes, and I can recommend that
if you are using IBrowse in a lower resolution, that
is, upto 800x600, then I think the ones that is named
"def_Navigation.small" is the ones you should use.
In resolutions of 1024x768 and above the ones named
"def_Navigation.large" is recommended! It's your
choise. Read the "ReadMe.Buttons" textfile to find
out how to install the buttons into your IBrowse.
It's very easy!!!