Short: Updates IBrowse 2.2 "Mozilla" version Author: (Frederick H. G. Wright II) Uploader: fw well com (Frederick H G Wright II) Type: comm/www Requires: Amiga with IBrowse 2.2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This patches the IBrowse 2.2 "Mozilla spoofing" string to change it from V4.5 International to V4.6 US. This makes it work with at least one bank where it had previously failed. The patch affects the http* protocol modules (V22.5). To use it, unpack this archive to a scratch directory, CD to that directory, and execute the IB22MozUpd script, supplying the path to your IBrowse executable as an argument. E.g.: 5>Execute IB22MozUpd Net:IBrowse Note that the argument is the path to the main executable (the top of the IBrowse tree), not the path to the protocol modules themselves. It should fail if you attempt to patch the wrong version, or if the patch (or any other) was done previously. The actual patches are provided in text form in the *.mod files, in case you want to apply the patches manually with the hex editor of your choice. PGP signature for entire archive -------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i iQCVAwUAPV9KJ+SizD9bt9DNAQFk1gP/QQfV/5jzJXZ7fGFSPo22VK8rRYIETNW2 4D1QOPPxFVwG2VW2qMB0zW7rKlgvHZJbvOKJ2xW0xDKg17UYqYmlqVUqmICZlDAc +2rbVA8WjBMWpTbR2H4DRdU4ofUn6AyJ6d79pF0qofWEZUam5uYgzt/jBS7fU0Mr q9Sbuj1NZTk= =oVXl -----END PGP MESSAGE----- --------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2002 Frederick H. G. Wright II <> Intact archive freely distributable for noncommercial use.