Short: Archie client for AmiTCP Author: Uploader: tomas cae wisc edu (Tomas Willis) Type: comm/tcp Architecture: m68k-amigaos Portedby: (Tomas Willis) I ported this Prospero Archie client to the Amiga for the AmiTCP stack. If you want to use it with the Commodore AS225r2 TCP/IP stack, good luck. The Prospero copyright is available in "copyright.h", in this distribution. The source was edited to remove the compiler warnings except those caused by the redefinition of EAGAIN in <sys/errno.h>, which changes the value in <errno.h>, and those picky optimizer warnings. Compiled with SAS/C 6.51. MATH=IEEE PARAMETERS=BOTH STRINGMERGE UNSIGNEDCHARS ERRORREXX NOMULTIPLEINCLUDES OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZERSIZE VERBOSE STACKEXTEND ONERROR=CONTINUE OPTIMIZERDEPTH=4 This has been tested briefly on my system: A2000 (68030), AmigaOS 2.1, AmiTCP 3.0ß2, PPP connection to the internet. No guarantee of any kind is offered or assumed. Use at your own risk and enjoy. Tomas Willis (