Short:        Download and View e-mail in Aweb .
Author:       Jeff Dettman(
Uploader:     Jeff Dettman(tomeeee soho ios com)
Type:         comm/tcp
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


    AwebGetE-mail v1.1


     Jeff Dettman


 I grabbed a file off aminet awhile back that allowed you to download
your email via getmail off your pophost and load it into Aweb to
view which was a nice idea. I couldn't get it to work right and I didn't
like having all the messages in one file because I get alot of junk mail I
don't read most of the time.So I took the same principal and rewrote it
so you can just view the messages from people you want to and also reply
via mailto.It will also let you know if you don't have anymail.You can
 also save all the messages to a dir of your choice to
view later.
  Just a note,it will writeover messages that you saved in that dir before
if you save again.So if you want to save them for the future make sure to
rename them or move them or you can save the individual messages by using
aweb save source instead of saving all of them.

Installing ===================================

1:> Copy the correct version of GetMail for your processor to "c:"
    directory  and rename it to GetMail.

2:>a. You will now have to modify the script "Getmail.rexx" to your
      pophost specifications noted in the script.

   b.Also if you want to save your email to read later you will need to
     change the  "save.rexx" script to the directory of your choice.

  c.Now that you have modified the scripts to your settings copy all the
   scripts to the REXX: directory.


    1.Just call the Getmail.rexx script from Aweb.
    2. "Delete" deletes all the messages in ram if you are cramped on space
    3. "Save" saves all the messages to the the directory you specified in 
       the "save.rexx" script.Just load the from.html page from that
       directory to get who the messages are from are click on the names
       to read the messages.Also the From: line in each message calls the 
       mailto: fuction if you want to reply to the message.

NOTE: In case you have problems with lines from the email header getting
      into the message you might want to look at the the T:Getmail.tempfile
      to see which word begins and ends your header.It is set for
      Received: <----beginning of E-mail header
      X-UIDL: <-----ending of my header before the message.
      Just edit the trimmail.rexx script file to your.