Short:        Simple AREXX script to unbatch NewsAgent newsspool
Author:       Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett (
Uploader:     Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett (mushypd redrose net)
Type:         comm/news
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Simple script, which will unpack the news spool that is generated in 
NewsAgent14.Lha, and move the news to the UUNEWS: hierarchy with one simple 


If you dont have it already, copy the DANNEWS file to your AmiTCP:Bin/ 
drawer, and the same with the script.

Open up the script with a word processor and change the path of the spool 
file which you have set in your preferences. It is currently set to the 
default, and works fine on the demo version.

Simply open a CLI and type Unbatch and the script will run. Email me at with any problems/bugs.

Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
   Email: Andy Kellett <>  Team *AMOS*  Team *AMIGA*
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