Short:        It's all related to Gremlins BBS.
Author: (Glen Martin of GREMLiNS BBS)
Uploader:     gmartin technet2000 com au
Type:         comm/maxs
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

   ___ _         __  __
  / __| |_ _  _ / _|/ _|
  \__ \  _| || |  _|  _|
  |___/\__|\_,_|_| |_|   Nothing special about this big archive! :) '98

  See file_id.diz for brief diz. This archive or package contains other
  archives full of goodies, or moreso junk that has been created by me,
  for Gremlins BBS or related matter over the years of running the BBS.

  You may find some stuff useful, or get ideas... but the reason for me
  doing this was to archive everything into one package. I then thought
  I'd release it so you all can f*ck with it and see the effort and all
  the work I had done for Gremlins BBS, etc. Email me if you get this!?

       |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .
 .  ___||   ==(                           .
 . (_____/\/\_|       Hello! This archive :
 :     \|(oO)|/       contains stuff that |
 :     (  --  )       has been collected, |
 |    __\ <> /__      created and now set |
 |  _/ /"`--'"\ \     free to the public. |
 |_/  (_      _) \    It's all related to |
 /  __ /      / __\_  Gremlins BBS, etc?! |
 \_/  X Marty )(o__ \                     |
 `-\ /--------\_(___/-[ '98 Glen Martin ]-'