Short:        A generic Tagline adder for any offline
Uploader:     JohnP cadlink co uk
Type:         comm/mail
Requires:     An offline mail reader/writer ;-)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

The creater of this file is...

Please direct all questions relating this program to him, I simply have
uploaded this file. For more information about me (JohnP) go to my URL..


This is the ultimate (sic) tagline adder for ANY offline reader.
Spot/April/Mail Manager etc all can use this program.  Infact, any mail
reader/writer that supports the use of external calls to launch an editor
can use De-Tagger.  Oh and it's Shareware.

What features does De-Tagger registered have?
(*) The registered version has a tagline database of approxiamately 
    18000 taglines in 100 seperate groups.
(*) All fully selectable from a simple GUI frontend.
(*) You can call any editor.
( ) It shows the percentage quoted. (Not working yet)
(*) The ability to steal a tagline from the current message.
(*) Continue search function during stealing a tagline.
(*) Add your own Tagline to the currently selected group.
(*) Its quick!
(*) Full error trapping (of course!) ;-)
(*) Bug free (I hope!)
(*) And many more!