Short:        GetUser Package for CNet 3.05c & 4.26b!
Author: (david weeks)
Uploader:     dotoran bluemoon net (david weeks)
Type:         comm/cnet
Version:      4.02
Requires:     AmigaOS 2/3.x, CNet Amiga, v3.05c/v4.26b
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: anywhere, everywhere, please mirror!

v4.02 of the GETUSER PACKAGE, includes:

    GU40_Intro ------> An Introduction to WHAT and HOW to USE the GetUsers!

    GU40_Shorts -----> Lists the 102 Short, Decimal GetUser Values as well
                       as a discussion on the proper usage of LOADSCRATCH!

    GU40_Longs ------> Lists ALL Known 7-Digit GetUser Values, for MANY of
                       the internal structures used in CNet Amiga!

    GU40_PrivINFO ---> A text file explaining exactly how to work with the
                       CNet Amiga Priviledge Flags, including examples!

    GU40_Coders -----> This document includes the "heavy" discusion on how
                       to glean data from structures that do NOT have easy
                       GetUser defines for them, as well as a laymens terms
                       discussion on the proper use of the Scratch Buffer!

    OFFSET_Scanner --> ARexx Program that lets you peak "behind the scenes"
                       of your CNet Amiga, and search out any possible NEW
                       GetUser Values!

    GetUserChecker --> This program allows you to check the VALIDITY of any
                       of the SHORT GetUser values. It shows you which values
                       work with GetUser and which work with GetScratch. Some
                       of the values DON'T do what they SAY they do, so this
                       file is a great help in FINDING these oddities!

    GetUserReader ---> This program gives you a command that allows you to
                       view the contents of ANY GetUser value from ANYWHERE
                       (and ANY PROMPT) within your System. You also have
                       the ability of specifying HOW you wish to view the
                       contents: Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary, or CHAR!

      GetUserSearch -> An OnLine CNet GetUser Database. Type a search term,
                       then let this program FIND and DISPLAY ONLY those
                       GetUser values that CONTAIN this search text. With
                       multiple command settings, this file will find a use
                       on almost ALL "inspired" CNet BBS's!

-- Written by Dotoran of Frontiers --